Suggest Content for the Minnesota Water Research Digital Library
Questions to Review Before Suggesting Content for the Library
To suggest content for the Library, please review the following questions for each publication (article, report, etc.) or collection you would like to see added, to ensure that the material is a good fit.
Is the publication already in the Library?
Please look up the article from the Search homepage of the Library, if you haven’t already. Continue only if the article is not already in the Library.
Does the publication fit the Library’s Scope?
The next several questions will help you determine the publication is a good fit for the Library. To learn more, visit our FAQs page.
- Is the publication a newsletter article, newspaper article or advertisement? If No, continue.If Yes, do not continue—the Library does not accept these types of publications.
- Was the publication published in 2000 or later? If yes, continue. If no, continue only if you believe the publication is highly relevant despite its age. (Generally the Library focuses on current research, but certain older works may be considered.)
- Is the publication mainly about water? If Yes, continue. If No, do not continue. (If the publication is not mainly about water, then it is outside the scope of the Library.)
- Does the publication present research findings or describe a scientific-technical study? If Yes, continue. If No, do not continue. (If the publication does not present research findings or scientific-technical information then it is probably outside the scope of the Library.)
- Was the research or related activity conducted in, partly in, or about Minnesota?If Yes, continue. If No, continue only if the research is highly relevant to water management activities in Minnesota despite taking place elsewhere.
Please provide the following information when you send us a request to add material to the Library.
- Fits the scope of the Library (you confirm that this publication fits the scope of the Library based on your review of the questions above.)
- Title of publication, series or collection
- Link to the publication (please include a link to the full text of the publication, if available, or a website where the full text may be purchased.)
- Your email address or other contact information
- Comments (if you have any comments or questions about the Library or your submission, please let us know.)
Submit your suggestion by email, paper mail, or click here: Contact Us