A Decision Support Tool to Restore Impaired Waters

Building on work in the Elm Creek watershed in Martin County Minnesota since 2003, project partners came together to develop decision support tools that allow watershed managers (state agencies, SWCD's, NRCS local offices and others) to prioritize conservation practices to address nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment impairments in the Minnesota River Basin. The approach taken was to integrate electronic tools, on the ground tools, and the expertise of local conservation agents to implement conservation practices taking into account potential impact on targeted impairments and cost effectiveness. Initiated in 2009 the project carried out basic research to analyze the impact of perennial cropping systems, channel modifications and restored and constructed wetlands on water quality and integrate those results into the decision making process. In addition, agronomic practices for producing perennial biomass for energy and other uses were evaluated to develop BMPs to maximize useable biomass, minimize inputs and maximize water quality benefits. In the final year of the project the partners concentrated on preparing, testing and presenting the decision support tools by working closely with watershed managers in state and federal agencies, local SWCD and NRCS offices as well as private sector companies. By matching EPA funding with XCEL Energy Renewable Development Fund resources, and leveraged funding from other agencies, the project was able to extend and expand its potential impact. Tools which will allow managers to prioritize, channel reconstruction and bank stabilization efforts, selection of areas for installing conservation practices to cost effectively address nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment issues, and better manage perennial crops for production and conservation benefits have been developed and tested for use by watershed managers. The partners, who have worked together since 2003, will continue to develop and support the tools beyond the end of the current project through our research and outreach efforts.
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Minnesota Water Research Digital Library
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Public Domain