Water resources data for the 1972 water year for Minnesota including records of streamflow or reservoir storage at gaging stations, partial-record stations, and miscellaneous sites, and records of water-quality data on the chemical and physical characteristics of surface and ground-water, are given in this report. Records for a few pertinent gaging and water-quality stations and selected data on chemical quality of ground water in bordering States are also included. The records were collected and computed by the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey under the direction of Charles R. Collier, district chief. Hydrologic data in this report are collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating State and Federal agencies in Minnesota. These data are part of the National Water Data System. Beginning with the 1961 water year, streamflow records and related data have been released by the Geological Survey in annual reports on a State-boundary basis. Water-quality records beginning with the 1964 water year have been similarly released either in separate reports or in conjunction with streamflow records. These reports are for limited distribution and are designed primarily for rapid release of data shortly after the end of the water year. Records of discharge and stage of streams, and contents and stage of lakes and reservoirs are published in a series of U.S. Geological Survey water-supply papers entitled, "Surface Water Supply of the United States." Through September 30, 1960, these water-supply papers were in an annual series and since then are in a 5-year series. Records of chemical quality, water temperatures, and suspended sediment have been published since 1941 in an annual series of water-supply papers entitled, "Quality of Surface Waters of the United States." More information is given under the headings "Publications" on pages 17 and 21.
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Associated Organization
U.S. Geological Survey
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Minnesota Water Research Digital Library
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