MCWD Stream Assessment Data Report (Vol 1-2)

I am pleased to transmit the first of two stream assessment reports for Minnehaha Creek. Volume 1 (enclosed) is a complete data report of all the field work completed in 2003; the data analyses that was completed; a Microsoft ACCESS database and GIS tool for the compiled physical inventory; and the major findings and conclusions of the work completed by Wenck and InterFluve. The assessment of Minnehaha Creek has evaluated the ecological state of the entire stream for the first time, and has analyzed the need for vertical profile grade control(s). Analyses of the data collected shows the hydrologic regime of the Creek has changed because of development. Bank stability problems are common, but vertical grade protection is sufficient if maintained. The erosion and failure of creek banks needs to be addressed, as do the causes. The data also show that water quality is generally good because of base flow from Lake Minnetonka, but macroinvertebrate diversity is low and good habitat is not common. The current uses of the riparian areas, frequent impoundments along the Creek, the overall lack of woody debris in the stream channel, and seasonal periods of no flow have all contributed to degraded habitat for macroinvertebrates and fisheries. The Volume 2 report will address Minnehaha Creek stream management issues in more detail and present restoration recommendations for consideration. The Volume 2 report will conclude the existing scope-of work for the Minnehaha Creek stream assessment.
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Body of Water
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