Lake Assessment Program - Fox Lake, Martin County

Fox Lake is located in Martin County, and has a surface area of 815.9 acres. Land use in the watershed is primarily characterized as agricultural and pasture/open usage. The land use composition in the watershed is representative for lakes in this region of the state. Fox Lake was sampled by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff and citizens from the Fox Lake Conservation League (FLCL) during the spring and summer of 1993. Water quality data collected during the study reveal a summer mean total phosphorus concentration of 173 ug/1, mean chlorophyll a of 51 ug/1, and Secchi transparency of 3.1 ft. Total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and Secchi transparency help to characterize the trophic status of a lake. For Fox Lake, these measures indicate hypereutrophic conditions.
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Minnesota Water Research Digital Library
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Public Domain