Best Management Practice Modeling Scenarios for the Minnesota River Basin Sediment Strategy

As part of the technical assessment to support future revisions of the Minnesota River Basin (MRB) Sediment Strategy, Tetra Tech simulated sediment management practices with calibrated and linked Hydrologic Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF; Bicknell et al., 2014) models. The modeling scenarios presented in this report assess the potential sediment reductions that could be achieved by implementing individual or combined Best Management Practices (BMPs). The BMPs evaluated target reductions in near channel sediment sources (e.g., ravine mitigation) and/or aim to prevent upland erosion (e.g., cover crops).
Date Issued
Number of Pages
Associated Organization
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Publication Series
Body of Water
Rights Holder
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Rights Management
Public Domain