Eagle Lake

Eagle Lake is located about nine miles north of Park Rapids, Minnesota. It covers 411 acres and has a long, narrow shape. Eagle Lake has one inlet and one outlet, which classifies it as a drainage lake. The inlet enters on the north side of the lake from Island Lake. The outlet flows out of the south end into Potato Lake. From Potato Lake, the Potato River joins the Fish Hook River, which eventually joins the Shell River and then the Crow Wing River. Water quality data have been collected on Eagle Lake since 1991 (Table 3). These data show that the lake is mesotrophic, which is characterized by moderately clear water throughout the summer and excellent recreational opportunities. The Eagle Lake Association is involved in many activities, including water quality monitoring. They are also a member of the Hubbard Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA).
Date Issued
2012 (year uncertain)
Number of Pages
Associated Organization
Body of Water
Rights Holder
Minnesota Water Research Digital Library
Rights Management
Creative Commons