2015 Stormwater Monitoring Report

A goal of CRWD is to understand and address the presence of stormwater pollutants and their impacts on water quality within the District in order to better protect and manage local water resources. Therefore, CRWD established a monitoring program in 2004 to: (1) identify water quality problem areas; (2) quantify subwatershed runoff pollutant loadings; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater best management practices (BMPs); (4) provide data for the calibration of hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality models; and (5) promote understanding of District water resources and water quality. To achieve these objectives, CRWD collects continuous flow data and stormwater quality data from major subwatersheds, lakes, ponds, and stormwater BMPs. This annual report presents the stormwater quality and quantity data collected during the 2015 monitoring year (January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015) and provides analysis of results for all monitored subwatersheds. The purpose of this report is to use the data to characterize overall watershed health and water quality trends over time, which in turn will inform management decisions for continued improvement of District water resources. Previous annual stormwater monitoring reports (2005-2014) are available on the CRWD website (www.capitolregionwd.org).
Date Issued
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Capitol Region Watershed District (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Rights Management
Public Domain